Optimize Your Yield with Yearn Finance Directly In Ambire Wallet

Ivan Manchev
The Ambire Wallet Blog
2 min readDec 15, 2021

We are happy to announce that we integrated the Yearn Finance protocols for optimizing yield generation in Ambire Wallet.

What is Yearn

Yearn Finance is a suite of products in decentralized finance (DeFi) that provides yield aggregation, a decentralized money market, and several other DeFi building blocks on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s safe to say that Yearn has a legendary status among the Ethereum DeFi protocols — originally built by Andre Cronje, it is maintained by various notable independent developers and is governed by YFI holders.

How does Yearn work

The philosophy of Yearn has always been to automate the movement of capital between different protocols and lending pools in order to optimize yield generation. In simple words, Yearn team develops different strategies for different tokens to always get the maximum yield possible for the given token.

Yearn in Ambire Wallet

Using Ambire Wallet is perhaps the easiest way to allocate funds to Yearn, as we have reduced the complexity of using the protocol to a minimum. Benefits of allocating your funds to Yearn in Ambire Wallet are:

  • You don’t need to navigate on Yearn’s app and approve Yearn contracts;
  • You save on gas fees thanks to Ambire Wallet’s gas optimization;
  • You can easily track the performance of your allocation on your dashboard;
  • You can easily exit Yearn whenever you want;
  • You can see your entire portfolio in the same dashboard.

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Ivan Manchev
The Ambire Wallet Blog

I guess I know few things about marketing, strategy and creativity. Running SolvedOut.com, running 42k, doing BJJ, trying to be nice to people. Thank you.