Two Months Live and $44million TVL: All the Ambire Achievements So Far

We recently reached $44 million TVL on Ambire Wallet and it’s been quite a journey since we launched it in December

Ivan Manchev
The Ambire Wallet Blog
5 min readFeb 9, 2022


We wrote the launch announcement and hit the “Publish” button on our blog exactly 54 days and 20 hours ago…

In the following hours we anxiously followed our social media and Telegram channels wondering if people will start creating Ambire wallets. We had tested the wallet with a modest audience of 5,000 people in the weeks before the launch, but had no idea what will happen when we launch for the public.

Little did we know that in the next 5 days Ambire Wallet would grow with 10,000 new accounts, holding more than $16,000,000. We’ve had two awesome months since we launched, so today we are looking back at all what we’ve achieved so far with Ambire Wallet.

Product Hunt loved Ambire Wallet

Ambire Wallet Product Hunt listing:

5 days after the launch, Ambire Wallet got listed on Product Hunt where it became the #4 Product of the Day. We quickly got noticed by opinion leaders in the Ethereum community who recognized the huge potential of our tech. Cointelegraph wrote about the wallet. On December 17th we announced our early users continuous airdrop — $WALLET token rewards for everyone who uses the wallet and keeps funds in it in the first 4 years of its existence.

lobsterdao — The first community partnership

In December we proposed a partnership to 10b57e6da0 (lobsterdao). To attract lobsters, we added a special “lobster multiplier” to the early users continuous airdrop for Lobster NFT holders who use Ambire Wallet.

The lobsterdao partnership was a super important milestone for Ambire, as it was the first proof we received from a community outside ours. And the lobsters are not the community that will fall for every incentive — we had to pitch Ambire Wallet to the lobsters and pass a community vote.

In February the losbters released a research about the results of the partnership and, do they look good: lobs are currently holding more than $12 million on Ambire Wallets and 24% of top wallets belong to lobsters.

New year, new $WALLET

Ambire started the new year with a blast. In early January we published our 2022 Roadmap with 5 important goals before the team:

  • Token launch
  • The mobile wallet
  • The $WALLET card
  • The Ambire Wallet Plugin system

Meanwhile the wallet kept growing and getting noticed:

We published the Ambire Wallet Whitepaper and saw 42,000 wallets registered:

And in the end of January we launched the long anticipated $WALLET token on a primelist event on Huobi. We sold 6 million $WALLET tokens in two hours and soon after that $WALLET trading started on Huobi and on Sushiswap. The $WALLET token quickly appeared on Coingecko and Coinmarketcap.

Work, work, work

While the $WALLET launch event was pretty intense, we didn’t stop improving the wallet in the new year. In fact we are constantly improving the UX, adding features and working on our roadmap goals.

We added Tesseract on Polygon — a protocol for earning yield on USDC, DAI, WBTC, WMATIC and WETH.

In February we added the trending EVM-compatible Fantom chain, enabling people to use Ambire Wallet on 5 networks. We are planning on adding more networks too, so stay tuned.

We recently demonstrated one of the unique features of the Ambire Wallet — combining multiple transactions in batches. An Ambire wallet user successfully enabled 18 staking pools at Sushiswap in one transaction!!!

Can you imagine how much time this transaction saved

$44 million TVL

This week the total value held on Ambire wallets passed $44 million. At the moment of preparing the article, the TVL is around $43.5 million.

To check current TVL, go to

The $WALLET token looks well on charts and since early February Ambire users are able to claim their accrued $WALLET rewards:

There are additional bonuses for $ADX token stakers

What’s next

Can you?

We are working on our roadmap plans and so far developments are on time. Of course, we have some sweet surprises along the way.

Soon, $WALLET staking will be enabled and meanwhile we are working on getting Ambire listed on Defillama, defiprime and DeFi Pulse.

In the meantime you should better go to and create a wallet if you still haven’t one. You are still early 😉

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Ivan Manchev
The Ambire Wallet Blog

I guess I know few things about marketing, strategy and creativity. Running, running 42k, doing BJJ, trying to be nice to people. Thank you.