Wallet Roadmap Update: Ambire Goes Mobile

The Ambire Wallet Blog
4 min readJun 7, 2023

It is time for an Ambire Wallet roadmap update! Find out what we have been up to and learn more about our big reveal!

The first quarter of 2023 is now behind us now and we’ve been very very busy preparing awesome things. Time to look back on what has been happening so far and show you what we still have in store for you till the end of the year.

What we’ve been up to

We started the year strong by introducing balance estimates in Ambire Wallet! This means that you can see what your final balance would look like after executing transactions (whether single or multiple batched transactions). This is not just a very handy visualisation but can further prevent any malicious activity too.

We also integrated another on- and off-ramp provider, MoonPay to make buying and selling crypto with Ambire Wallet even easier!

Even though Ambire has been an Account Abstraction wallet from the very beginning, we also implemented ERC-4337 even before it went live officially. This means we not only have all the cool Account Abstraction benefits but also are ERC-4337 compatible.

The team also attended ETHDenver 2023. There we did a bunch of things: we ran our own mini summit on onboarding the next billion users as part of the side events. We also attended Walletcon and were present first hand for Yoav Weiss’ (from the Ethereum Foundation) announcement that ERC-4337 went live on mainnet. Since we were a sponsor, we also had a booth at the main event (with our awesome swag, of course).

We also showcased Ambire Wallet at Crypto Expo Europe which took place in Romania in March 2023 where we talked a bit more about Account Abstraction (you can never have enough). And here’s the best part: at their Awards Gala Ambire won the award for “Best Crypto Wallet”!

The big reveal: Ambire goes mobile!

Earlier this year we made some big promises to the Ambire Wallet community: mobile apps, browser extension, and more. And while we set ourselves ambitious goals, our entire team worked tirelessly to hit those goals!

So here’s the hot news you’ve all been waiting for: the mobile apps for iOS and Android are coming any time now!

Initially the apps will only be available with an exclusive invite for a private beta testing. There may even be surprises in store for early testers — join our Ambire Community on Discord so you don’t miss any news!

The Ambire Wallet Dashboard on Mobile

Register your interest now to be amongst the first to have Ambire Wallet at your fingertips:


Why you should get the Ambire mobile app

For some it may be obvious, but here goes. By using the Ambire Wallet app you get the best of both worlds: smart contract wallet security right in your hand! Send crypto on your morning commute, swap while getting your favorite coffee from that coffee shop around the corner, use Web3 apps while walking the dog or show off your NFT collection while enjoying drinks after work… No matter where you are, just sit back, relax and enjoy all the Account Abstraction benefits without compromising security.

That’s not all, folks

The mobile apps aren’t the only thing we have been working on though, don’t worry. The development of the Ambire Wallet browser extension is in full steam. We wouldn’t want to spoil too much but you can expect all the awesome Ambire Wallet features PLUS seamless connection to any dApp without the need of WalletConnect!

Additionally, the Ambire Login SDK is also coming later this year. It’s a feature that dApps can adopt for onboarding users in seconds with just email and password without leaving the window. This is super important for the whole web3 ecosystem because many users fall through the gaps if they don’t have a wallet yet and creating one is a long and complicated process. With the Ambire SDK this will no longer be a problem — and that’s pretty cool, if we say so ourselves!

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