Persecution is part of the journey

Prossy M. Nansubuga
The Ambitious Females
3 min readMay 22, 2023
Photo by Jannatul Afroz on Pinterest

I’ve been hit with a lot of nick names lately. And oh no, not the flattering kind. I’m talking about dem nasty ugly labels, y ’all. (Yes, I have been taking notes beaches!)

So, if you have been dishing out criticism or passing on judgement to me recently, you’ve probably delighted me with some of these…

  • Wisecker
  • Show-off
  • Arrogant
  • Attention seeker
  • Wannabe
  • Egotistical (apparently I have an inflated ego or something, Idk)
  • Fake
  • Dumb
  • Greedy
  • Materialistic
  • Ungrateful (Can’t one be grateful and still want more?)

What have you been called?

I’m sure you’ve got your own collection of derogatory titles that have been thrown your way. Folks, it’s practically a rite of passage in this crazy world. We are in the same club united by it’s ridiculousness including persecution. My only concern is just how it’s becoming a bit boring honestly. These labels are as old as time itself, recycled and repackaged for each generation of naysayers…

And so, we are dealing with people who would have stoned Jesus as well yet how they praise him now!

We live in a world where people will criticize your performance at the end of a movie but won’t lift a finger to support you in the course of anything.

Not that we’re blaming them entirely; it’s just the way humans are wired, I guess. We can’t help but complain about the sun shining too brightly or the rain pouring too heavily!

Throughout history, anyone who has dared to do something worthwhile has faced opposition. It’s like our brains are hardwired to resist change, to reject anything that challenges the status quo. In a nutshell, it’s a disservice to expect everyone to be on your side;

  • Sometimes, your own family will never support you and that’s okay. Do you anyway!
  • There will be friends who will seem hell-bent on sabotaging your success, believe me. Brace yourself for that if you ever decide to embark on something great.
  • And then there are those who will only applaud you when you’ve made it.
  • Oh, and let’s not forget the most intriguing bunch — the ones who will gaslight you to manipulate you

So, what can you do if you ever find yourself in the middle of persecution- Those uncomfortable and discouraging situations that seem to be never-ending? Well, I have one tip for you — just accept it. That’s it.

Persecution has this funny way of intensifying just when you’re about to break through, as if it’s trying to test your resilience. The days I’ve been tested the most have always been the ones where I’ve spoken up, refused to accept certain behavior, or asked more. And, those are the days when people have stooped so low beyond recognition. Those have been the days they have slung those labels at me, ganged up on me, you name it.

But here’s the thing: if what we are doing is so wrong, why face an avalanche of opposition coupled with manufactured anger?

While people can take away a lot from you, there are some things they simply can’t snatch. Your discipline, your commitment, your consistency, your character, and your destiny — these are the things they can’t touch. So, when they try to push you down, remember that these things, they can’t take away, and these are the very things that will propel you forward.

To bring it all together, almost every person who has achieved any form of success, whether it’s in their personal lives, careers, or experiences, has had to endure persecution. It’s just a part of the journey that can’t be avoided. And let’s be real, why would you expect people who don’t even love themselves to love and support you? Learn to selectively listen to opposition and even forgive them, even if they never apologize.

Embrace those labels, toss them aside, and keep pushing forward. Because in the end, it’s not the labels that define us — it’s how we rise above them.



Prossy M. Nansubuga
The Ambitious Females

Ah. Let's say I read a lot, occasionally talk a lot, and often write a lot. But at all times, I try to be a better person. So I hope, my blogs better you too!