Your Future-self is watching you, begging you…

Prossy M. Nansubuga
The Ambitious Females
3 min readAug 10, 2021
Photo by We Heart It on Pinterest

Accept who you are, she affirms. It’s okay not to fit in.

Recognize what you’re struggling with and do something about it…

Gal, I don’t think I will ever digest how you even let yourself get “heartbroken” in Uganda! Like expand your romantic circle. Who says you have to marry a native?

And this is a little out of character, but if you want to get anywhere, get a sleight of hand in leverage… Carefully select your words; you can stay in the same position probably because you weren’t assertive or confident enough, use your money for things that make you richer, give your work your absolute all and for heaven’s sake… FOCUS!

My future-self is quite graceless, don’t you think? She is a bad bitch with rich auntie vibes just around the corner! The babe is super focused, attentive to detail, she looks good probably because she works the extra fat everyday. And hell yeah, she is authoritative — she has earned the respect by always trying to rise above, show concern, be proactive and add value.

I want to ill-will her but I I just can’t for she is the magic in my mental picture right now… all it’d take to be her, she states, is my ability to frequently target what needs to be done, and presently be the woman I wish to be before I grab the titles.

What are the temporary and permanent impacts of what we do everyday?

The business world is bewildering. I absolutely fancy working from home, but this workstyle can be a trap on the mind. How? Try picking zoom calls from your bed — You can easily cross roads with slumber parties, dormancy and procrastination from these small patterns hence taking in permanent outcomes like unprofessionalism, dullness, low personal development…

The inability to make the hard decisions, act even when we don’t feel like it, creates another future for us…For example picture a new Monday where you swear up and down to mount at 7am, read a book, then jump on a call at 8:00am. That would be Future 1. However somehow, Future 2 overpowers your choices as usual causing you to stay in bed strategizing on how you can annihilate all your “enemies.”

I resolutely believe we hold the cards to change things for ourselves; how we feel and how we resolve conflict, if we just always take a moment to pause and visualize stuff with a long-term perspective.

What will happen 5 minutes, a week later when the sand settles amongst us?

What are we doing about the people we want to become? Are we already acting the part?

For there’s one thing for sure, our “future successful selves” will probably have do the same stuff back to back until they have mastered the art, our present selves have do the “boring hard stuff” that everyone hates if we want to stand out… We have to listen to our gut and inner selves when they for instance ask us to;

  • Expand our vision
  • Have better thoughts
  • Break the routine
  • Live in the moment
  • Focus on what’s important

Because the only way we can predict the future is to actually create it.



Prossy M. Nansubuga
The Ambitious Females

Ah. Let's say I read a lot, occasionally talk a lot, and often write a lot. But at all times, I try to be a better person. So I hope, my blogs better you too!