Movie Review: Fury

The Analyst
The Movie Analyst
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2014

Director: David Ayer

Year: 2014

Language: English

Verdict: One of the greatest War Movies

I don’t know what to say about this movie. This story depicts a day in a life of a soldier.

This soldier can belong to any country. In a war, one can only take sides of one’s own country, and if you are not part of the any team, taking sides is difficult. Finally, it is the common people who lose there lives and bureaucrats stay safe in the safety of their offices. Nonetheless, the common people don’t die without an exhibition of extraordinary bravery. This is a story of such a bravery.

Long back I, read a book, can not remember the author now, but what I remember is that the book started with a quote. It said, an ordinary man can become extraordinary if the situation calls for. And wars are indeed extraordinary situations. As a teenager I used to read a lot of war stories, based mainly on first and second world wars. The books I read were largely based in Germany and Russia. In Fury, although all the characters were from America, they resembled a lot with the ones from the other-side.

I read the stories from both the sides, and other than names and language nothing changed. Everywhere it was the young folks who died and without a clue, why! Everyday the grotesque and gruesome events that took place around them stole their youth, their happiness and joy. I don’t know how and if they ever led a normal life again.

I am becoming philosophical now, but what can I say about this movie. One can watch Fury just as an action movie, enjoying every bit, without thinking that all these may have happened sometime or other and those may have been real people.

But I don’t know why this was more than an action movie to me. It reminded me of Ernst Graeber from ‘A time to love and a time to die’, it reminded me of Paul from ‘All quite at the western front’. You see I knew them very closely and I felt that I lost them again in that battle field.The characters from Fury somehow felt very real to me, I was able to feel their sadness, helplessness and extra-ordinary will power to survive.

As I said earlier, this was just a normal day in a soldier’s life at an active front, where a sergeant and his five men armed only with a tanker, fight their last battle. If you decide to watch, brace yourself.

P.S. After reading the first draft of this review, my hubby told me that I should also include the reason I liked this movie. Here it goes, I always loved to read and watch war stories, that was never because of the horror of war, but because of the comradery that flourished among soldiers. I always felt a friendship between two soldiers in the front is a true kind of friendship and no one can survive there without it. As like any other great war movie, Fury also portrays the friendship above all the bloodshed. I also loved the subtle depiction of love, honor and kindness. This story silently shouts that although man killing man for the petty reason or no reason at all… compassion and love will always triumph over any other vices. And there will always be hope!

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