Email Etiquette 101: Don’t Add People to Your Email List Without Their Permission

A social media follower does not a subscriber make

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple
4 min readJul 16, 2019


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Every marketer with a pulse loves to talk about customer journeys. Ten years ago, everyone was battling it out, Hunger Games style, over whether the marketing funnel was linear (it’s not) or a loop. Then everyone wanted to talk about customer journeys, physical and digital touch points.

We marketers are a riveting bunch.

A customer journey is precisely what the phrase implies — it’s a series of actions that a prospect might take before, during, post purchase and the period between points of purchase. The marketer’s job is to understand their customers’ triggers, pain points, motivations, and influences so they can target message and market.

For example, let’s say I want to read a new novel. I’ve subscribed to several lit newsletters, and I frequently read roundup articles reviewing the latest season’s list. in one of the newsletters, I read a review about a debut novel that piques my interest. I scan the book’s editorial and customer reviews on Amazon — homing in on the 3-star reviews to get a more balanced take. I’ll read an online excerpt to determine whether the first few pages pulls me in. At this point, I’ve amassed all the information I need…



Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple

Marketing Exec/Author. I build brands & tell stories. Hire me: My Substack: Brand & Content eBooks: