How To Attract & Convert Prospects To Paying Dream Customers

No hacks, just facts.

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple
9 min readJan 2, 2021


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Can we make a pact? Let’s not overthink, overcomplicate, or hack-to-death what’s simple. People have become so obsessed with shiny tools, newfangled hacks and tips, and fancy packaging, they neglect the substance beneath the surface. They end up exhausted and confused after devouring countless books, conflicting articles, and YouTube videos of millionaire bros perched on top of fast cars when they could’ve kept it simple.

No hacks, just plain facts.

If you’re starting out as a freelancer or you’re a product-based company and you’re struggling with finding, attracting, and converting prospects to customers, you are precisely where you need to be. I’m sharing how I find, attract, and convert my ideal clients, and extend that to my experiences on the brand and agency side with product-based companies.

Have a Viable Product or Offer to Sell

This is not Captain Obvious, because so many people screw this up. Myself included. They make the frightening assumption that since they would buy the product, everyone else will. Quit the megalomania — your product or service only matters if a lot of people are willing to take a risk and buy it. Ask yourself and then ask potential customers (i.e…

