How To Get Inside Your Customer’s Head

I’ll share my secrets on getting intel on the cheap.

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple


Licensed from Adobe Stock // deagreez

Let me be frank — if you’re not pitching a tent in your customer’s head and learning what they want, when they want it, how they buy, and who they trust, you won’t have a business — you’ll have a hobby.

I get it. You don’t have a sack of cash to spend on hiring a CIA operative who can sleuth their way into your customers’ cold, dead hearts. So, you churn out branded content based on resources like Ask The Public, UberSuggest, or Quora before you develop a clear, comprehensive profile of your customers’ habits, behaviors, preferences, and pain-points — the whole psychographic kit and caboodle.

Stockpiling generalized content is fine if you’re desperate for something, anything, to write about. Publishing pretty grams in hopes something will stick, or building products and services based on what you think your customers want instead of what they’ve told you they wanted, is fine if you want to continue on your hobby-as-a-faux-career trajectory.

If you can’t pinpoint your customers’ triggers (why they seek out the products and services) and pain-points and devise solutions that solve their problems, you might as well have five days of puppy videos as content.

Customer Loyalty — What?



Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple

Marketing Exec/Author. I build brands & tell stories. Hire me: My Substack: Brand & Content eBooks: