How Your Story Strategy Can Skyrocket Sales

Stories create connections, connections establish trust, and trust leads to conversion.

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple
6 min readOct 10, 2019


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Storytelling sells. Brands that invest in content marketing programs experience 6X higher conversion rates than those that don’t, according to a study by Aberdeen Group. Storytelling is also cost-effective. Compared to traditional marketing programs, content marketing costs 62% less and generates nearly 3X the volume of leads. And did you know that Coca-Cola spends more money on its content strategy than it does on traditional television advertising?

Welcome the gurus preaching the content marketing gospel in YouTube videos from 2014–2020. We have wafers and wine here.

And brands are taking notice. According to a joint study conducted by SmarterHQ, Cheetah Digital, Liveclicker, and MailCharts on the state of B2C marketing, 95% of people admitted to multi-tasking while shopping. As a result, marketers are on a mission to combat hyper-connectivity and distraction with potent storytelling strategies and tailored communication.

Surfacing the right content at the right time is critical for consideration and conversion. Marketers need to harness powerful storytelling to shepherd prospective customers to their websites. Not only does your story strategy…

