Let’s Talk About Content Upcycling

How one piece of content can go the distance.

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple
4 min readAug 18, 2020


Licensed from Adobe Stock // IC Production

We live in the year 2020 and brands are still cutting and pasting their content across all their channels. And they have the nerve to call it a strategy. Before I fan myself and start in with the bless your hearts, let’s talk about why mass-blast posting is a hot mess.

As you may know, each digital and social media platform whether it be Facebook, Instagram, your newsletter, blog, blah blah blah has its own unique vibe. People have specific content and experience expectations based on the platform they’re on. Tweets have a certain character length, Instagram Reels are informal, attention-grabbing, and far from stylized and Facebook continues to be a data vampire, but I digress.

Consumers expect you to deliver not only an experience that aligns with the platform format, behavior, and personality, but they don’t want their time wasted with duplicative content. Imagine your uber-fan. To quote Depeche Mode, they just can’t enough. And imagine their disappointment when they realize your newsletter is basically a rehased Instagram post. You end up looking lazy at best, incompetent at worst. No fan wants to know you’re dialing it in.

So, it’s unlikely that a single piece of content can be copied exactly as is onto each platform without…

