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The Reason You’re Losing Customers, Fans, & Readers Is Simple

You don’t know your audience.

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple
5 min readSep 1, 2020


Back when I had fewer grey hairs and an abundance of optimism, I worked with a major beauty brand that had a suitcase of issues. One of which was their propensity to prattle on about themselves all the time, on every channel. They were a walking commercial, spamming their socials and newsletters with product information. Every day, there was a new sale, GWP, promotion, a product description variation — their content’s soul purpose was to drive the buy.

Save for their existing customers who dropped in for the deals, they weren’t attracting new people to the party. They were flummoxed. WHY IS NO ONE BUYING MY GLORIOUS ORGANIC SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER?

Tears were shed, there might have been an emphatic fist or two.

A year ago, I followed a writer on this platform because their stories were comic relief. But their funny stories devolved into endless rants and conspiracy theories about the platform — why they were no longer making money, how everyone else was a terrible writer save for their tight-knit group of friends, etc, etc., and more etc..

All I wanted was levity and instead I fell into a deluge of insider baseball.

