Your Brand Isn’t Your Logo, Blog, Or Instagram Post

Stop listening to faux experts. Focus on defining your difference.

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple
4 min readMar 30, 2021


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Your brand isn’t your Instagram post. It’s not your logo or your blog. These are expressions of a brand — how you could potentially bring your brand to life, but it’s not the core of who you are, what you believe in, what you do and why you do it.

Trust me, I do this for a living for real companies and real people. Successfully. For years.

Simply put, a brand is a set of perceptions a customer has of your business. These perceptions are formed based on the products you sell, how, where, when and why you sell them. It’s their experience buying from you. It’s how you embody your values in everything you do. It’s how you’re different from the kid down the block.

A brand is more complicated and nuanced than a social media post. Yet, so many people get this simple distinction wrong. And this is why they flounder. They focus on the distribution of their work rather than the person or entity creating the work.

Think of a brand as a house. You need to start with a blueprint, a foundation — your brand fundamentals (e.g., vision, mission, values, positioning, purpose, benefits, reason-to-believe, story, identity). Once you have that on lock, you can usher…

