Carefree Creating

Peter Fritz Walter
Western Daoism and its Ancient Roots


How Life and Art Interact Creatively


I create on the spot. My art, music, and writings all express my wholeness. My art and music express my integral vision of life. My views on early systems learning are a development of my intrinsic life philosophy that ‘all-is-one.’ The universe is an organism that flows and evolves; it constantly transmutes into new forms and expressions, while its core substance remains the same.

The Loving Matrix

Religions have all been wrong to search for a god situated outside of creation. It is not logical doing that for who, then, has created that god? So instead of one question we got two: who created creation and who created the god outside of creation?

In other words, the creation of god is the result of a schizoid mindset. Patriarchy is schizoid, and this is all I will say about this, for there is really nothing more to say about it.

God is within nature; the creational impulse is within creation. It is a matrix that constantly creates and lovingly — like a mother — cares for its creations.

This matrix is the self-expression of the universe and it is through this interface that we can actively communicate with the intelligent universe. It is the prayer highway; it makes your prayers get to the receiver of orders, the wish fulfiller, the magician who says: ‘Your Wish is My Command.’ And it responds.

Responses are manifold and they are adapted to the sender’s expectations: when I expect to get a response to my prayer affirmation in a dream, through an image that stands metaphorically for the answer, or a voice directly talking to me, the matrix will respond the way I imagine most vividly to receive the reply. If I expect to get the answer through books I find, people I meet or places I visit, the matrix will reply according to my specific expectation. It just cares to make sure you get the response into your conscious mind, at any time or at any place where you happen to be.

Typically, the reply will come when you least expect it and when you are relaxed; also when it’s safe to receive it. That’s why it is highly recommended to relax and let go after you have sent your missive to the matrix. Get your mind free of it all and it can respond. If you are preoccupied or in a hurry, you block the response.

How to Be Consistent?

I was never consistent in my life. Astrology told me that it is in my nature to be on the qui-vive, to be jumpy and inconsistent. I do not care if it is my difficult aspect between Neptune and Jupiter that has caused that in the past. For it is in the past. I am consistent now. At age 65.

Okay, you laugh … yes, it took me that long but not because of bad astrology but because of a good reason: I did not reflect why I was inconsistent. Never ever. Until recently. I found that I get depressed and it is depression that kills motivation. Why did I get depressed? I expected results; and expected them too quickly anyway.

Now I found a simple way to keep track on my progress. I wrote down the following affirmation and I follow it:

I write every day.
I create music every day.
I draw and paint every day.

So … after all, this taught me that spontaneity, too, has its limits. If I am all over the place, without having any rules of living, and just do what I like at any moment, I may run into many more depressions. Perhaps it’s that for staying motivated, I need a framework?

On Education

When I talk about education, I do not talk about how to raise children, how to setup a school, how to draft a curriculum. I have done that and believe my project can serve children to grow up in a supportive environment and without fear of life, so that they can keep their innate sanity, their innate creativity, and their innate originality.

Now I am actually more interested to talk about self-education, which is the way we bring ourselves up, the way we develop and progress in life. It is the education that we bestow upon ourselves, by parenting our inner child, the creative voice in us.

To begin with, I would like to ask: what is the value of self-education?
Well, it seems to me that it is not quite a value in our modern consumer culture. We have of course all we need today for boosting our knowledge, we got free encyclopedias, we got free information everywhere on the internet, but are most of us using that for educating ourselves properly?

Let me ask the question from another angle. What is it that we educate when we increase our knowledge? Is it our whole person? Or is it just the thinker, that person who is conditioned upon past experiences and knowledge that is largely out-of-date?

Can we renew ourselves through new knowledge, or new skills we learn? Yes, we can. But who is that person that we renew through knowledge?

In other words, can I educate myself in a way to bypass the thinker and nourish my entire being? Let us suppose the answer is positive, what kind of education would that possibly be?

On Sharing

It seems to be an obvious fact that the internet has largely increased our opportunities to share our life with others. But … is that really true?

Let me ask the question differently. Is sharing a mechanical activity that is facilitated by a technology that allows people to read free content online that was published and put out there not by publishing companies, but by individuals eager to share their ideas?

Yes, … it is facilitated. That is what I am saying. But it is not created by the sharing technology. So what ‘creates’ the sharing experience? It is the inner attitude to share. This attitude is invisible, it is not displayed ‘out there’ for others to see; yet it is shared via the invisible treads of the loving matrix that interconnects all of us, and relates us to every single electron in the universe. Thus sharing takes place on the level of the spirit, in the invisible realms of existence, while the actual act of sharing can well be facilitated by technology.

On Preferences

Our modern culture has greatly expanded our lifestyle and individual preferences. If you are a person who for example prefers to spend your holidays on the Seychelles and nowhere else, you can realize this desire, in which country ever you are living. You can profit of the international flight connections to reach your destination, from wherever on the globe.

Or if you like to listen to your favorite music only by means of a Bang & Olufsen Stereo, you can buy this product wherever you are located on the globe. If the local market place does not offer it for sale, you can order it with the closest Amazon store, or you may order it directly in Sweden with the producer and it will be shipped to your place.

Whatever your lifestyle choices are today, you can realize them: and the only limit here is your budget.

But are these lifestyle choices naturally given, or are they artificially created? Obviously, they are part of consumer culture and thus have been created with a purpose: to sell as many products to as many consumers to make as much profit as possible.

So what about our natural preferences, do they exist? I firmly believe we got natural preferences, at least some of us, and not just for this present lifetime, but regularly, and that we carry those preferences across several lifetimes.
For example, I like Baroque music, vegetarian food, modern design, writing and publishing, languages, art and photography, and walking every day for an hour or so through a clean and safe old neighborhood that is characterized by millionaire villas, mansions, and lush landscaping.

These preferences I have not just so now at my age of 65 but had them already when I was 12-years old, except that at that time I was living in a boarding school and vegetarian food was not only not available but any information about it was out of reach.

And I made the observation that the other boys in that boarding did not seem to have such clear preferences as to what they wanted in life. They seemed to accept the commonly shared preferences that were vulgarity, rudeness, alcohol, football, television, and the need ‘to be good in class.’

Thus through my natural preferences I was feeling early in life to be different, and the other boys in the boarding let me feel this difference sometimes painfully. Later in life, though, I came to value my difference and developed increasing awareness of the fact that my natural preferences gave me a kind of emotional stability that I was seeing others missed out on.

On Lao-Tzu

Lao-tzu’s teaching cannot be taken literally, else it does not make sense, or can easily be dismissed as ‘illusion’ or ‘impossible-to-achieve philosophy.’

In truth, when he says that the sage teaches without talking, he means that an attitude is needed to convey true leadership. When he says that nonaction is action, he doesn’t mean that the sage sits around doing nothing but that action is not the achievement of the ‘thinker;’ as action based upon thought is always fragmented, it is not true action. Lao-tzu means that only action coming from very deep inside of us is genuine action, that is whole, non-fragmented, and in accordance with our soul values.

What Lao-tzu called the Tao, I call the Matrix, or Loving Matrix, the creator-force and configuration interface of the universe that connects all, communicates with all, and is all. There is no need to worship it for it has no personality. There is no need to beseech it for it does not take sides. There is no need to praise it for it has no self-pride. There is no need to picture it for it has no material representation.

On Comfort

Some people think you have to castigate yourself in order to be ‘worthy’ to receive blessings in your life. This is an error.

We have been created to experience comfort. When you move your arm or leg, there is no pain in doing that, isn’t it? And it is silent, and there is no resistance. The joints of our body are ‘oiled’ in a way to allow us to have smooth mobility, and this really feels comfortable, doesn’t it?

Is that comfort of your healthy body an obstacle to spiritual growth and progress? Why should it be so? Why should comfort for your house or car be in the way to your spiritual unfoldment? Why should good food and wine be in the way to spiritual growth — as long as you do not get addicted to alcohol?
I guess it is a convenient excuse for many people to ever engage in meditation and other spiritual practices when they can voice, with all their pride: ‘I cannot afford a spiritual life for I cannot sacrifice all I need for a comfortable life.’

Who told them that they have to sacrifice anything to gain anything else? Yes, if you want to learn meditation, you need to invest time, and again time, and again time, and you need to learn the technique, any technique, for there are many. That, you can call it a ‘sacrifice,’ but most people would rather call it an ‘investment’ I believe. And it is an investment. When you learn to do your job, this is also an investment. It allows you do have regular income from this activity without getting blamed for insufficient performance.

So, if you wish to be like most people, you shall indulge in excuses for not doing anything for your spiritual life, while in truth you do not want to engage yourself on that particular pathway. You should simply admit it to yourself, and be honest. There is no blame. The matrix never blames, and it never admonishes. You can reserve your spiritual work for your next life, why not?

But if you really do that: being honest with yourself, I am pretty sure something will change for you to more easily accept the option of a spiritual development in this present lifetime.

You can do as much as you like to do about it. Even very little work and investment of time pays great dividends.

On Art and Music

Today the art world is booming. It is a business. Music is booming as well as a ‘Classical Music Business’ and another ‘Modern Music Business.’

All is thriving in our society as long as it is labeled a ‘business’ and creates profit. In the meantime, true art remains in the dark, true music remains in the study chamber, and true social life remains for those who are not affected by consumerism.

On Luxury

‘Luxury’ is a word that is not in my vocabulary. It is a no-brainer. As long as we had nobility, life had a civilized dimension that was represented by the life of those nobles who had not just ‘money’ as it is today with the rich and super-rich, but manners, etiquette, moral values, and properties.

All this of course based not upon lottery gambling but upon family tradition and a real education that was bestowed upon the young by both their parents and adequate schools.

And not to forget the essential, they had taste … well at least a select few of them. But that was a kind of mold that could be shared … among those born with the same privileges … while today it would simply be labeled as ‘luxury lifestyle.’

I spare any further comment on this kind of judgmentalism that is so typical for our vulgar and brainless consumer societies.


