Electric Vehicles Won’t Save Us

Ashley Hague
The And of it All
Published in
7 min readFeb 8, 2022


The Cons of EVs and Rethinking our Future

A nice grey car charges at an EV charging station in Palm Springs California
Picture by Bob Oasis on Unsplash

As 2022 began, a fury of articles appeared in New Zealand news outlets, warning consumers that petrol costs may hit $3 per litre later this year (that’s nearly $11/gallon, for the Americans reading this). News outlets in the US, the UK, and the EU have reported similar high prices that aren’t expected to let up anytime soon.

The rise of these prices is caused by a combination of supply chain issues due to the pandemic, increased demand, and geopolitical tensions around the globe.

This has led to a ripple effect among consumers, who now are considering alternative forms of transport. As this demand grows, governments, companies, and individuals are advocating for solutions. While some solutions involve investing in public transportation, ensuring safe biking infrastructure, and building high-density urban areas, another solution seems to be taking over the internet: Electric Vehicles (EVs).

EVs run on electric motors that are powered from batteries or fuel cells. The cars can be charged with regular outlets at homes, or at charging stations which may be free, but mostly charge either by the minute or by the kilowatt-hour (kWh).

Recently, there has been a lot of media attention around EVs. Sales have skyrocketed and car companies have flocked to EV

