Andela: We believe in people

Evan Green-Lowe
The Andela Way
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2018

Andela is building the future by changing two things about the way we hire people. There are two core principles for Andela’s Talent team that we believe drive success:

  1. Build people up: We support candidates to cross the gap between their current abilities and our expectations.
  2. Give people time: We evaluate candidates over a flexible period of time.
What it looks like when you believe in people.

Most other organizations — whether Facebook, Uber, Safaricom, Walmart, or your local drug store — follow a more traditional model. They find a candidate, they evaluate the candidate’s abilities at that moment in time, and decide whether they will provide the candidate a job or a rejection letter.

End of story.

At Andela we’re doing something different.

Build people up

At Andela we care more about your slope than we care about your intercept. What we mean by that is that we care more about your ability to demonstrate progress and potential than we do about your previous accomplishments. We look forward, not backwards.

We hold an incredibly high bar and we work tirelessly to help you and every single human that is interested to reach and surpass that high bar.

Here are just a few of the things we do to help build people up:

  • Resources: We develop and organize online (and offline!), open-source tools that help people develop the technical and team skills that we believe make for world-class technologists.
  • Communities: We create inclusive communities of learners. We reach out to learners old and young, female and male, confident and shy, remote and on-site and aim to create a sense of belonging.
  • Partnerships: We work with leading global technology companies like Google and Microsoft to create Andela Learning Communities that support 1,000s of learners to develop practical skills that prepare you for meaningful work.

Consider the two lines below — these lines represent the quality of talent over time. The red line represents a candidate that starts off with more experience and grows less quickly. As time passes though, the blue line, representing the individual with a higher learning velocity adds far more value — these are the people Andela is seeking.

At Andela, we’ll take the blue line EVERY TIME.

Give people time

At Andela there are dozens of stories of aspiring candidates who were initially “rejected” from Andela who now view their initial rejection as their first step towards success.

To us, failure isn’t the end — it is the beginning.

We think of time, failure and success more like the sports industry does than most corporations do. In professional sports players develop over time. Sports teams don’t interview young players and reject them indefinitely — they recognize the need for players to develop their skills at the pace that is right for them. There is an extraordinary ecosystem that helps develop talented players who have not yet reached their full potential.

Andela is aiming to bring that mindset to aspiring technologists across Africa.

Over time individuals move inward towards the Andela Fellowship

Whether you are a just a curious observer, keen to watch from the sidelines, or a committed learner attending regular meet-ups — there is a path up for you.

Andela is a network of lifelong learners. There is no end. We support > 10,000 learners across the continent. We have no expiration date. We constantly strive to help learners reach their goal and we celebrate every step of the journey.

Sound inspiring? Join us @ We believe in you, and we can’t wait for you to succeed.

A better way to hire.

