Andela’s Contribution to Uganda’s Tech Ecosystem

Felix Kitaka (Mutambuze)
The Andela Way
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2018
Jackie Ochola (Uganda Country Director) raises her glass to toast to the launch of the Andela Uganda office.

Before Andela’s entry into Uganda, the meeting grounds for the software developers in the country were usually the tech hubs. The hubs have for the last nine years offered a home to the developers.

When you see the past events conducted by the hubs in the last couple of years, you will notice that they have mostly been inclined towards tech-preneurship. Behavioural science tells us that what we reward, we promote. With that background, the hubs have promoted tech-preneurship at the expense of tech-excellence.

“The people on the inside usually have a clearer image than the people on the outside.” A wise man once said that. Whereas I had sufficient knowledge of Andela whilst still on the outside, the experiences on the inside have shown a different and remarkable side.

Prior to joining Andela, never before had I seen tens of young smart and passionate individuals dedicated to growing their tech skills. A conversation with a young electrical engineer that started in tech after joining Andela a year ago, left me mind-blown. He spoke with a confidence and depth of understanding that one might not expect from a single year of experience.

Whereas for years people perceived the barrenness of Uganda’s tech industry, as manifested by the limited number of local consumer mobile applications, they lacked insight into the seeds filled with potential that died in the ground due to the lack of nutrients.

Andela is a fertile soil with all the right nutrients, nurturing a competent workforce for tomorrow. In a couple of years, the perceived barrenness of Uganda’s tech industry will change face; as the seeds that previously died — due to a nutrient deficiency — begin to sprout and bear good fruit.

If you are a software developer that desires tech-excellence, checkout Andela, you will feel at home.

Do you need to hire top developers? Talk to Andela to help you scale.
Are you looking to accelerate your career as a developer? Andela is currently hiring senior developers.
Apply now.



Felix Kitaka (Mutambuze)
The Andela Way

The thoughts of a black man at the source of the Nile, dedicated to inspiring the continent to greatness.