The Andela Way Weekly Digest

Edwin Kato
The Andela Way
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3 min readNov 30, 2017

Dear esteemed reader,

Warm greetings from all the folks here at the Andela way. We hope that you are in great shape and that you are learning something new each day.

In the spirit of bringing valuable content to you and making it easily accessible for you, we have started a weekly digest that brings you the latest and popular stories that will be trending on the publication. You no-longer have to miss any shared content on the publication.

Latest stories

Introduction to Functional Programming in JavaScript

Javascript is a language that is evolving with each second of the day, with new versions of a framework or library at your doorstep each…

Deploy an Angular4 App & Parse Server in the same Docker Container with Dokku

From the dokku website, dokku is introduced as an extensible, open source Platform as a Service that runs on a single server of your choice…

Exploring the Git log command

An In-depth look at the power of traversing Git logs

How to create git hooks

Automate custom tasks/stages

Diving head first into GraphQL — Part 2

Trending Articles

Idiomatic Python. Coding the smart way.

The key characteristic of python is readability. It is of great importance that we leverage on readability, since code is read much more…

Fundamental Javascript Concepts to help you get started with React

Getting started with Javascript and frameworks can feel like a daunting task. I cannot possibly do a better job demonstrating the madness…

The Rise of Modern Programming Languages

How to start writing high quality code at any point of your programming journey

If you’re looking to write code for more than recreational purposes, then, code quality is a an aspect of your work that you will have to…

That’s all folks! Until next time, keep learning.

The Andela Way Team

