The Briceicle Test: 12 Steps to Better Technical Leadership

Brice Nkengsa
The Andela Way
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2018
Photo by rawpixels on Unsplash

18 years ago, Joel Spolsky wrote The Joel Test, 12 questions to quickly rate the quality of a software development team. The great thing about The Joel Test is that it’s easy to get a quick yes or no answer to each question, and it takes about 3 minutes to use. The Joel Test has been used to help software engineers evaluate their own team, as well as teams they were interviewing at.

Today I propose The Briceicle Test 😄, a simple test to gauge engineering leadership. You can use it to measure your own team, or to measure a team you’re considering joining.

The Briceicle Test

  1. Do you have regular 1:1 meetings?
  2. Do engineering managers code less than 20% of the time?
  3. Are engineering processes measured and continuously improved (e.g. on-boarding, development, deployment, etc)?
  4. Are bugs, technical debt and refactoring tracked and openly discussed?
  5. Does senior management view addressing technical debt as an ongoing and necessary process?
  6. Are mistakes expected, and experiments encouraged, to allow the team to learn (i.e. psychological safety)?
  7. Are there clear, documented engineering practices & values the team lives by?
  8. Does the team estimate work regularly?
  9. Does the team influence hiring decisions?
  10. Are poor performers dealt with effectively?
  11. Can engineers interact with users/customers?
  12. Are the QA engineers integrated with the development teams?

Each question is a simple yes or no question. Score a point for each YES

Like the Joel Test , a score of 12 is perfect, and 11 is tolerable. But 10 or lower and you’ve got problems. The truth is that most engineering organizations are running with a score below 10, but we need to care and raise the bar because companies like Google likely run at 12 full-time.

Disagree? Anything I missed? Please leave a comment below.

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Brice Nkengsa
The Andela Way

Co-Founder @Andela. Software Engineer, Entrepreneur & Investor.