An Entrepreneurs’ Sexy Mystery : Self-Mastery!

Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses
2 min readMar 27, 2016

It was only a few weeks back, when I was in bed with my precious Angel, that I truly and deeply understood the importance of Self-Mastery… and what it means for us boldly driven Spiritual Entrepreneurs!

“Self-Mastery is what turns me on!”, she tells me with hopes in her eyes that I finally understand that acting like a dominant male, conquering his lovely sweetheart, is more likely to correspond to stereotypes and to discomfort her rather than please her.

We’re often so driven by our impulses to achieve our goals, to get instant gratification or validation, to accomplish or nourish those existential questions about who we are, that we mix up our out-of-control, impulsive needs for Victory, with our unbounded Passion and Desire, in such a way that we aren’t Aware of the differences between these Strong and Subtle Energies.

Maybe today’s performance jungle, nurtured by this Fear of Failure in the race for Success, is enhancing people’s ways of discharging stress, thus, through sex! Reflecting then in some people’s relationships, the sad reality is they are arroused, turned on, by bestial sexuality.

Luckily, the Nature of who we are Humans, is Love, not Fear.

Our sexual life, or basically, how we react to our sexual impulses, says a lot about how we react to our Emotional impulses, in our daily endeavour, in our Entrepreneurial journey!

The same way males shouldn’t impulsively “conquer” females, we Entrepreneurs shouldn’t answer to those impulsive satisfactory needs, to “get there” faster, or to control and manipulate events so they correspond to what we want, because in Entrepreneurship, we can NOT control anything!

There are better ways to release stress, and to build up Confidence, than looking for intense epicurian pleasures that give a sense of completeness to your Existence. Of course, Confidence comes from conquering your Fears first, mastering Yourself, despite the storms and circumstances, in your bed or in the market!

Self-Mastery is therefore observing and adapting your thoughts and perceptions, focusing on transforming your pulsions and Emotions into Passion, Self-Creation, Self-Realization, in an expanded form of Consciousness, in Mindfulness, Stillness, and Non-Competitiveness, in sexual acts of Love and Kindness, that all manifest and fuel you to build a successful Business.




Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses

Writing on ‘Renewable Energy’ — Helping people understand and master their / Interconnecting Nature, Body, Health, Social & Business!