Gratefulness in Business

Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses
3 min readOct 18, 2016

What if this was the actual key to any success in business… being grateful and acknowledging every single second of our lives. Translated in simple words, people who tend to achieve more and best in Life are the ones who build on their actual successes, recognizing the Fruits of their hard labor.

I mean, if you are working really really hard, pushing yourself every single day, with no break to Reflect on yourself and your states of being and achievements, aka Self-Awareness, how will you build the confidence required for you to get to the next level?

Plus, if someone is working really really, super duper hard, to build or achieve something, whatever it may be, won’t that person be even more happy to realize the progress made by meditating and consciously pondering about what has been “successfully” attained.

Because yes, those who know me know that for me, Success is a State of Mind, and not a result. Success manifests itself when you intentionally focus your attention on physical settings and concrete goals in Reality, which end up gravitating instantaneously.

Not further than 2 months ago, I was looking at the Masters of Marketing conference powered by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), in Orlando, and I was in awe : some of the biggest Marketing pioneers in the World would gather to talk Marketing. McDonald’s. Johnson&Johnson. Unilever. Google. Facebook. MasterCard. Verizon. And of course, Gary Vaynerchuk.


I immediately applied to Volunteer : few days later, I received an invitation to attend the event for Free. It felt unreal. I kept looking at the Event’s Agenda, and couldn’t believe I was going to meet with some of the most iconic People and Brands of my own industry. Useless to say that the venue was also helping increase my level of excitement. I couldn’t stop being amazed simply by looking at the photo of the Shingle Rosen Creek hotel in Orlando…

Then, here I am, 2 months later, lying on my hotel room’s bed… Reflecting. Meditating. Elevating my Conscious Awareness of all the Blessings we have, a few hours before the event’s kick-off, trying to Realize as much as I can, how Blessed we deeply all are. How funny Life can be. How curious Success can happen so much faster when we take the time to take the time, to take the time… to Realize how deeply and blissfully Successful we already are!

You can act as though nothing is a miracle or as everything is a miracle.

The Keys lay in your attitude about the Situation, not about the facts nor the circumstances. Take some time. Lay on a bed, and touch your Heart. What are you Grateful for today that has brought you to Where you Are and shaped the destiny of Who you Are, of Who you will Become…


Stay Connected!



Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses

Writing on ‘Renewable Energy’ — Helping people understand and master their / Interconnecting Nature, Body, Health, Social & Business!