Startups. Everywhere. Everything.

Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses
3 min readSep 3, 2016

It’s Saturday afternoon, and I just came back to my parents’ for a few days after a crazy summer not partying, but rather working on my own startup, networking and grinding in the city.

Being here only a few days, but still in the Energy of my last pitches and conference, I was hesitating between working or reflecting… So, I synced all my devices, chatted for 2 hours with Apple Care support on the phone, and started watching videos…

In fact, I stumbled upon so many startup pitches videos, as well as articles from The New York Times about Venture Communism in China and just about why the Future will be dictated by Cities, not Nations, that I still had to “work” a little bit here. It all got me thinking.

Besides SpaceX’s unfortunate but curious explosion with Facebook’s satellite planning to connect billions more people to Internet in Africa this morning, Zuckerberg’s visits in African countries (Nairobi) brought me to learn first about iHub, then about the African entrepreneurial tech-ecosystem as a continent. Here’s a map from the World Bank showing off incubators in Africa :

Aside from Africa’s emerging hubs and entrepreneurial infrastructures, exponentially growing technological advancements and individuals’ creativity can’t stop increasing in other parts of the world too!

Let’s take a look at Dream Town (Hangzhou) in China, whereas nearly 710 startups are being invested in! Taking a look at just another city, Suzhou, near Shanghai, we can hear rumors that “[the City] will open 300 incubators by 2020 to house 30,000 startups”.

As more and more incubators are born, everywhere in the world and about everything, connecting just about everyone too, I had to ponder on the outcome and impact on our financial systems and what it means for conscious entrepreneurs. Think about it.

If more and more local startups, in any given city, are after huge “global” opportunities and growth, chances are other startups on the other side of the Earth, are trying to solve the very same problem, projecting it at an international scale for better returns!

Here are inherently the possible problems we may encounter in a near future : investments in Capital, evaluated according to these very same global opportunities, may exceed the actual value of a startup solving an “over-estimated” global problem, whereas the same problem is being solved by hundreds of startups globally, limiting the very same “global” opportunity the startup is bragging about and the Venture Capital firms are after. Sure, in the system we live in, Money is a thing. Should it be?

Hence, Conscious Entrepreneurs with “global” and “disruptive” opportunities and technologies shall not merely be people with an idea solving a specific problem. There have been enough of Uber copycats in the last few years. Coffee delivery services, give us a break!

Briefly, Technological Abundance allows everyone to solve just about anything. A Conscious Entrepreneur shall focus on perhaps solving REAL problems with as many innovations as possible within one venture.

On the other hand, maybe a Conscious Entrepreneur is someone who understands that the real global opportunity for a startup is about helping create local communities across the world, distributing universal solutions such as Solar Cities goodies, whereas every single human on Earth shares the very same needs : Energy.

What does this mean for the Economy? Perhaps a more independent financial system based on sharing and exchanging currencies directly with peers, or from a certain local startup to another local startup, in every city of the world! Perhaps more cultivated communities on in-house green agriculture and food growing!

I am now writing this article from Montmagny, a small town of about 10,000 people in eastern Canada, in the province of Quebec, whereas I seized the power of sharing and exchanging freely through local farmer’s markets and tradeshows featuring local products!

We don’t need much to Prosper and Thrive : perhaps only a change in mentality, where abundance of goods and resources shall rule over the illusionary abundance of money. The brain is like a data-centre, a computer, working through logical associations. That being said, money is as valuable as we decide it to be…

Stay Connected!



Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses

Writing on ‘Renewable Energy’ — Helping people understand and master their / Interconnecting Nature, Body, Health, Social & Business!