Technologies and Local Communities ; the future of our World.

Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses
3 min readApr 4, 2016

What if I tell you dating mobile applications, personal consulting brands, virtual trends, AI start-ups, or literally, any topic that has nurtured that snobbish technological exponential culture over the past few years, are all starting to pivot…

Truth hurts. But Truth matters, too.

You want to make an augmented or virtual reality software or tool so you can play with some illusionnary ping-pong athletes? You want to 3D print toys and arts that will add-on to the actual culture? Or maybe are you looking on creating a mere Robot, or any sort of Artificial Intelligence, like Iron Man’s Jarvis?

Let me slowly wake you up from your insanity ; you can’t eat virtual food, you can’t 3D print money and you ain’t getting the point of our Conscious Nature if you’re trying to outsource it from your Self

Of course, discovering new technologies has upsides, like crafting and creating a greener world at an incredibly faster pace than ever before, exponentially opening new operational horizons and nurturing researches in Health, deploying efforts in solar Energies and electrical Transportation, but…

When will we actually care about Equality, Scarcity, and Poverty? When will we start helping each other’s communities, instead of taking advantage of each others’ countries? When will we comprehend and understand that we do not at all depend, on Money?

We live in an Inter-Connected world, not only through Technology, but also by the true nature of our Reality.

Injecting money in the next, apparently coolest start-up, won’t make it for VCs trying to fill their pockets, or Investors and Entrepreneurs selfishly looking for their exits. Society doesn’t need more Control of resources, but more Freedom. It doesn’t need more Competition, but more Balance, Exchanges and Compassion.

There is one thing that I am, and it is this : I AM sick of the Rat Race, running after Money for a living. I want to live Happy within a Connected Capitalism-Free Community.

If you’re a Spiritual Entrepreneur, you will dare tackling much humbler problems and endeavours of our Time.

If you can’t help Humanity, then you can’t help yourself… because we’re all in this together! Helping Yourself see clearly is setting the rest of us Free. We’re all One.

What’s the point of this Article?

Imagine you’re at the Restaurant. Look at that appealing meal you just ordered. Think twice about this… In what conditions, and where, has this all been processed, prepared, shipped, packaged, served? Has it somehow polluted the environment, through CO2 emissions, by any means : cars, trucks, boats, planes? Have all the workers behind the history of your plate been treated fairly and humanly? We could go on and on, only for that one single plate, and each aspect, every detail of it…

Imagine now you’re at this new local Restaurant that grows his own foods. You know, exactly by looking at it, what you are eating, in what conditions it has all been prepared and packaged, and you also know it has been absolutely almost pollution-free. You can put a face and smile on your plate’s maker and you can, above all, take back Control of your own Local Community’s Economy… We’re in an Era of change, only if you’ll want to see it, to accept it…




Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses

Writing on ‘Renewable Energy’ — Helping people understand and master their / Interconnecting Nature, Body, Health, Social & Business!