What #GaryVee told me!

Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses
2 min readMar 28, 2016

Everybody does have a talent that can produce happiness. You just have to be true. You just have to know what you’re good at. You just have to accept yourself, and stop worrying about what people think of you, and go all-in on you. Capture a voice that doesn’t exist yet. - Gary Vaynerchuk

When I heard him speak those words, it ignited the profound Desire to share relentlessly once and for all who I AM and what I AM, right HERE, right NOW, with whoever is willing to listen! Even tough I might be nobody to the eyes of society, I profoundly and deeply know who I AM, and this kind of Authenticity is what leaves a real Legacy!

I have always been a fighter, a warrior, a passionate advocate of Happiness and Greatness. I’ve always pushed the boundaries of who I thought I was, only to Discover that I was the only true Creator of my world, that it knows no limits…

You must understand that you won’t be unique and complete when you get “there”, “this” or “that”. You’ll be unique and complete when you find your Own voice, when you’re willing to shout out loud and clear who you are, no matter who’s there to listen!

So go ahead, forgive yourself for believing lies people told you, accept yourself for who you truly are, find your Heart, find your Voice, and raise it humbly, speaking words of Hope and Wisdom, Faith and Greatness! Start vibrating and sharing your Passion. Become a true Light, a reliable Guide, for those guidees.

And as a Spiritual Entrepreneur, you have to love People. You have to be a helper, a networker! As a Leader, you have to know you can NOT accomplish and manifest any Vision if its values are not shared by a Community, by Humanity.

You can NOT succeed alone since, specifically, the one and only reason why we do businesses is to facilitate people’s lives, adding value, making them consumable in a much more enjoyable way. In the end, Time is only the fire that consumes us…

Ask yourself, do you want to be consumed and leave behind nothing but ashes, or you want to leave an inspiring story, a remarkable legacy?

Seize this moment, right HERE, right NOW. This is the opportunity of your life, the moment to understand that you ARE everything you want to be, because of the Endless possibilities you can connect to. Be that. Be real.

As I always knew, from the core of my Soul, the brightest Light always comes from the darkest places… and when you find yourself in complete darkness, the only option, is to conquer your Fears, and shine bright until you tear appart every ounce of negativity and sadness, darkness, that were only based on your assumptions… because everything is just Bright, everything is all Light.




Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses

Writing on ‘Renewable Energy’ — Helping people understand and master their / Interconnecting Nature, Body, Health, Social & Business!