Who’s part of your Entrepreneurial Tale?

Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses
3 min readMar 6, 2016

Successful Entrepreneurs have great success stories. Spiritual Entrepreneurs share amazing success tales, mostly starred by generous, energetic and brilliant characters, protagonists and influential mentors… and this is why they are conscious of their Top Quality : Vulnerability!

Of course, Geniuses, no matter how impressive their IQs, will often fail in executing their Vision if that very same pursued Vision is not shared with any supporters.

Zuckerberg couldn’t have started his largest social network if it wasn’t for his young angel investor-friend who believed in him and threw some ideas at him in Harvard’s dormitory. Mozart couldn’t have played his melodies if nobody was listening and if he wasn’t tuned and immersed into his Heart. I would have no point of writing this article if you were not to read it and find value in it.

Intellectuality is mistakenly taken as a key to success, while nothing has ever been further from the truth. An Entrepreneur’s EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is the true meter of success! Our ability to Co-Create sustainable and beneficial businesses are determined by our level of Creativity and Trust towards other People.

Why Creativity? Because listening to other People’s point of views broadens your Vision. Why Trust? Because being aware of People’s strengths helps you build your Vision.

A Spiritual Entrepreneur knows he doesn’t know it all. He’s Humble, always discovering and learning, expanding his Reality, attentively and emotionally listening and engaging with People. Consequently, this Vulnerability brings the consciousness that the execution of his Vision can only be achieved if that very same Vision is shared by and built with others.

Relationships to People are the most authentic reflections of your direct successes… And here’s what Emotional Intelligence has to do with this :

If you feel judged, crushed or diminished, or have been in the past and haven’t forgiven yet, you’ll always feel the need to protect or prove yourself, by lying to yourself and building illusions and mirages of success, of something you are not. To protect your wounded heart and labelled mind, in a condescending way, you start believing to your own lies and thinking you are better than everyone else, denying others’ help and thinking you are strong enough to do it all and have it all, again just to deeply comfort your insecurities or oppressed value.

Fortunately, you can’t reach that required level of Vulnerability if you don’t learn to let go those insecurities, your fears, your barriers, and ultimately, control in your Relationships. If you try to control and hide yourself in your relations to others, you will never open yourself up, share, and neither trust People, and the foundations of your endeavour will never get past the formwork stage. It will also manifest in your reality as you trying to control outcomes, results, which you can’t in the world of businesses.

When you allow yourself to step onto your superficial Ego, to let go that destructive need of external validation, reconnecting back with your true nature, the light, Angelic version of your Self, you start reconnecting on intimate levels with People, taping into the power of sharing, networking and bonding, of trusting again, Co-Creating ever-lasting businesses backed by noble Visions. It’s OKAY to not know as much as it’s OKAY to ask Questions!

In other words, being Self-Aware and Confident of your own value and strengths means recognizing that one’s skills and perceptions of your Vision are also as much valuable as yours to materialize that Vision you simply decided to share openly, without boundaries or fears, compassionately…

Perhaps being a Spiritual Entrepreneur is letting that Sensible and Intuitive, sacred Creative Female-Energy come back into our robotic and disconnected world, healing our deeply anchored and monotonous left brain lifestyle and way of thinking.

Emotions are seen as a dangerous Enemy, a useless distraction, but they should be considered as a Divine Door to an infinite world of possibilities, a world where Intuition would finally guide Humanity’s noble Business Innovations

You are not alone.




Martin Dionne
Conscious Businesses

Writing on ‘Renewable Energy’ — Helping people understand and master their / Interconnecting Nature, Body, Health, Social & Business!