Welcome to The Angels!

Partha Iyengar
The Angels
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2020


“We are Unconscious Angels” — Author Damien Echols

Hmm...Damien Echols must be right. Isn’t it? Maybe. I must say I have been blessed with ‘Conscious Angels’!

The Angel series is a tribute to each one of them who have walked with me and continue to walk with me for over three decades and accepting me as a person living and thriving successfully with manic depressive illness. I love the term ‘manic depressive illness’ which sounds quite romantic than the boring ‘ Bi-Polar Disorder’!

Calls for a Celebration and Dedication! YAS! What better way to do it than start sharing my life experiences with the world on the World Mental Health Day! And help inspire and motivate people like me who face various challenges in our day to day lives and yet manage to have the time of our lives!

My heart specifically goes out to people who are affected by mental health and their caregivers. I can very much feel and compassionately empathize with each and everyone who is going through the challenges every day. I have been there and I still go through it every now and then. I want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. All of us are brave and courageously living our dreams. Let us embrace and celebrate it!

It has been an awesome and very adventurous journey with most of the time I have enjoyed living the kind of life I always wanted to and occasionally regretted it. My life journey was made possible thanks to some of the most incredible women and a few good men or rather ‘Angels’ that I have met in this lifetime and developed a deep relationship and bonding with them. These people are always in my heart and I can never forget them for being such wonderful Angels from the time [May 1990] I was diagnosed with Manic Depressive Illness. Without these beautiful human beings, my life would not have been very enriching, full of abundance, and happiness!

A few weeks ago, for the first time in my life, I went extempore and public speaking briefly about my illness in the beautiful FB Closed User Group called ‘ The Bravery Lab’ founded by Lindsay Hindle. What an appropriate place to start sharing my story! Isn’t it?

Watch out for The Angel series as my story unfolds over three decades peppered with some interesting events in my life that could evoke a range of emotions, some myths and facts about the illness, and of course the stories of hundreds of my ‘Angels’ and how they shaped my life to be a better and purposeful human being!



Partha Iyengar
The Angels

Change Maker | Community Creator and Nurturer | Choice Architect | Co-founder of The Women Financial Advancement Network |