Donald Trump is a Circus Clown

Luke Aldis
The Angry Citizen
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2018
Photo by Diana Feil on Unsplash

President Trump had his chance at showing America and the world that he’s capable of being the leader of the free world, but he’s proved time after time he’s incompetent and doesn’t know the most basic functions of his job. So why is he still President? Well, ‘cus he’s got scripts to read and orders to follow.

Both Democratic and Republican politicians know Trump is as smart as a rock. Democrats would love to replace him, if not with a Democrat, with at least someone that would bring back respect to our country (they would love to manipulate him for their own ends more than replace him but the Republican puppet masters have that power under control). But Democrats can’t replace him or do much to him, at the moment, because Republicans control everything. Smart Republicans know he’s a liability even to their own goals (especially considering all the funny Russia business), but all Republicans are puppets so it doesn’t matter what they think; it only matters what the Republican puppet masters think. Oh, Republicans. You feel so proud to be patriotic and American, but your own politicians are puppets without spines. But you’ll never know ‘cus your inability to reason for yourself has you believing anything you read on Facebook or anything you watch on YouTube (flat earthers should be jailed for idiocy).

So it falls on us, the citizens of America, to fix this. Like an army, we should go to the polls and vote EVERY Democrat we can into government. It’s your responsibility to get every family member, friend, or friends of your friends out to the polls. Remind them to register, find the people with the most reliable cars, make sandwiches to eat while you wait in line, and get out there and vote. I’ll be doing that with my family and friends because I’m tired of the Republican party embarrassing our nation and representing corporations and not the people. Remember that if you vote Republican, you’re voting against yourself. Why would you do that?

We have a circus clown as President. Someone who clearly isn’t in control of his own decision-making. I’m sure he’s taking orders from Republican puppet masters and Russia. The question is: are the Republicans working with Russia? This is a complex question because if they are working together then Republican masters no longer see the importance of nations. They see money and control of resources as the only thing that matters with nations and their laws as a hindrance to their goals. If this is the case then the long game could be to make nations obsolete by either creating a single nation on Earth, and any unwilling players suffering consequences such as no water and no food, or the corporations come in and take control of everything with their drone armies. “Bwahahahaha! Once the drone armies are complete, they will be powerless to stop us!” I’d rather look forward to an invasion of sex robots. Please, oh ye overlords of the masses, keep the killer robots away and bless us with the those only meant for pleasure.

Regardless of what’s happening in the shadows — things we’ll most likely never know about that has a big impact on the fate of our world — our only responsibility is to believe in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of our country. That is our main priority. And our weapon to defend and enforce the Bill of Rights and Constitution is our collective vote.

Let’s forget about anything else for a moment and focus on our collective vote. Why do we want to vote? To empower politicians that represent us who will create legislation for the benefit of all citizens while putting a check on the predatory behavior of corporations. Also, our society needs more tax money from the hugely successful corporations that manage to evade paying taxes by using loopholes. Enough is enough. I’m looking at you Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft, ExxonMobil, etc.

We, the People, must get out there and vote. Vote Democrat ‘cus Republicans will not represent you. And if incumbent Democrats stop representing us, we’ll replace them with a different Democrat on the next election that will. And if the new Democrat fails to deliver on his or her promises, we’ll replace him or her, and we’ll keep at it until they learn that we will not be played around with any longer. Politicians everywhere should know that when they stop representing our interests, they’ll be gone on the next election. That’s the only way we’ll see real change that benefits the People.



Luke Aldis
The Angry Citizen

We live in a world full of deceit. It’s up to us to see the bullshit and put a spotlight to it. If all else fails, get angry and do something.