Why I love my mom

Buki Mariam
The Anne Thomas Project
3 min readDec 5, 2019

My mom, Moji Animashaun is the founder and Executive Director of the Lagos-based, St. Cyril Cancer Treatment Foundation.

The Foundation is on a mission to build self-sustaining cancer treatment centers with the support of a community that shares their vision of viable and efficient healthcare services to millions of Africans.

As far back as I can remember, my mom has been determined to exist authentically. To live by rules and principles that mean something to her and a willingness to discard those that don’t. Cancer care has always been more than just her job, it’s always felt like part of her calling….a calling to be the change she means to see in the world.

By the year 2030, 1.28 million new cancer cases and 970,000 cancer deaths are estimated on the continent. 50–60% of the cancer cases will require radiotherapy during the course of their treatment.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, 28 African countries have no access to radiotherapy and 22 out of the 56 countries in Africa have mega voltage radiation therapy machines.

Since she founded the St. Cyril Cancer Treatment Foundation five years ago, it’s has been beautiful to see her living her dream of improving cancer care on the continent

By hosting Seminars in 2015 and 2017 to discuss the state of treatment efficacy in Africa, online and offline awareness campaigns and collaborations with other industry participants.

The Foundation has cultivated Local and International Partnerships with organizations like the Pink Oak Trust and the healthcare and medical mission organization, ECI.

With the opening of their first chemotherapy treatment center in January 2018, they have treated ~150 patients and counting.

In the next five years the foundation will be challenged to raise $100m to build a regional treatment ecosystem in Nigeria’s southwest including a Regional Comprehensive Cancer Center, Local chemotherapy and surgery centers and vibrant local Palliative care centers.

The work is daunting, the challenge seemingly insurmountable but my mom has never quit anything, even if she’s asked. I know this from personal experience because she refused to quit trying to get me to open my mind and try interesting food as a child, even when I tried to convince her I was allergic to eba.

The commitment to build the St. Cyril Initiative for Patients’ Support (S.C.I.P.S.) will provide adaptable funding for patients to meet their expenses.

Cancer treatment services are an investment to benefit millions of people across the continent of Africa. This is where I want to do my part.

The Anne Thomas Project is an Africa-focused development initiative that facilitates social impact trade and sustainability modeling. Established in 2013 to build long term partnerships with brands that seek to serve varying social causes.

We are launching Our #SupportSCIPS2020 campaign as a commitment to support the St. Cyril Initiative for Patients’ Support and subsidize treatment cycles for as many cancer patients in Nigeria as possible. We are building the community needed for cancer treatment to sustainably thrive.

Every $1,000/~₦360k. raised will provide a full cycle of chemotherapy treatment. If you would like to support the campaign you can 1)meet-up, 2) shop and 3)volunteer on annethomasmedia.com.

Do it for my mom.

