#SupportWomenProtectWomen: A Sexual Education Campaign

Buki Mariam
The Anne Thomas Project
3 min readMar 26, 2020

It is Women’s History Month and the anne thomas community believes that sexual health education for and about women will support how our societies grow.

So through the month, we campaigned for ways we can all support and protect our women and their sexual health. We consider this our contribution to SDG #5 (gender equality) and SDG #11 (sustainable communities), you can follow the narrative #SupportWomenProtectWomen on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Support Women as they define who they want to be.

The value of the women in our lives is undeniable. They are our mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, cousins and friends.

This Women’s History Month, we implore our communities to find ways to #SupportWomenProtectWomen in a world that still struggles to let our women define their own destinies.

Their journeys are our journeys and we should not have it any other way.

Protect Women’s Bodies

Throughout history, the feminine body has been subject to external control. As we’ve seen from @WHO’s study of practices such as virginity testing or female genital mutilation, there are physical, emotional and psychological effects to the women in our communities.

#SupportWomenProtectWomen means we understand that women have autonomy and agency over their bodies.

We all have a role to play in protecting women as well as growing in our collective perception of women’s bodies.

Support Women’s Sexual Choices

Sexual health concerns are life situations that can be addressed through education about sexuality and society-wide actions in order to promote the sexual health of individuals.-WHO

We look to sexual health coaches like Yeside Olayinka-Agboola (@oloricoitus), who teach with an understanding of body integrity and sexual safety.

#SupportWomenProtectWomen in your community as they make safe and healthy choices.

Protect Women from Predatory Behavior

Women and girls are targets of violence, bullying and exploitation.

Sometimes our culture and traditions defend predatory. behavior and internalized feminine shame. As a community, we have to be committed to seeing where and how these behaviors occur and do what we can to #SupportWomenProtectWomen.

The Cece Yara Foundation (@cece_yara), is a resource that can provide advocacy services for extreme abuse cases.

Support Women’s Reproductive Choices

Safe and sustainable reproduction is squarely hinged on the health and wellness of the women in our communities.

Cynthia Ihesie (@lolo_cy), a UNCHR advocate, does great work educating communities on the importance of understanding reproductive options and making informed decisions.

Protect Women with Comprehensive Sexual Education

Sex and sexuality no longer need to be practices that we misunderstand or fear. More than 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day.

You can protect the women in your community by supporting comprehensive education and responsive health services.

Support Women’s Contraception Choices

The proportion of women aged 15 — 49 reporting use of a modern contraceptive method has risen minimally or plateaued between 2008 and 2015. In Africa it went from 23.6% to 28.5%.

Contraception and family planning are important considerations for women to pursue additional education and participate in public life, including paid employment.

#SupportWomenProtectWomen as we build sustainable communities.

Protect Women from Sexual Violence

Global estimates published by @WHO indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.

It is never acceptable. It is never excusable. #SupportWomenProtectwomen

