Denouncing Ted Cruz

As a Cuban-American writer and journalist, it is my duty to denounce the bigotry of Ted Cruz and Cuban-Americans like him.

Arturo Dominguez
10 min readFeb 28, 2021


Cruz questions US Customs and Border Protection leaders on COVID-19 preparedness in March 2020 courtesy of U.S. Customs and Border Protection via Public Domain licensing

As a first-generation Cuban-American, I’ve always searched throughout history and the modern era for Cubans to look up to. In more recent history, there were great writers such as Reynaldo Arenas, a world-renowned poet, novelist, and playwright. We also can’t forget the legendary singer Celia Cruz, whose life Cubans my age were lucky to witness. And looking further back there are revolutionary legends such as Jose Marti who was also a journalist and poet.

When you look at current affairs, some of the most well-known Cubans in America are Jose Canseco, Pitbull, Marco Rubio, and yes, Ted Cruz. Ay Dios Mio, can we at least have another Gloria Estefan? Ugh. Come to think of it, I take that back. Pitbull’s ‘aight. He’s better than Rubio and Cruz put together.

Anyway, as you know, disgraced Cuban Ted Cruz has been in the news quite a bit. Mostly for being a failure to us in Texas. And as a Cuban, I have to speak on this. Not this, him. Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz.

Cruz embodies the stereotype people have about Cubans. Particularly, about White looking Cubans. In Miami. That they’re all racist, selfish, greedy, and looking out for no one but…



Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |