Hate Speech on the World Stage

Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine


With the world watching America amidst a pandemic and nationwide protests for racial justice, Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric is deepening tensions.

Donald Trump speaking at a campaign rally at the Prescott Valley Event Center in Prescott Valley, Arizona, October 2016 — Image courtesy of Gage Skidmore via Creative Commons

Donald Trump has used coded language throughout his life. Most Americans became aware of his hateful flatulent word salads once Barack Obama was elected. Others have heard it and witnessed his racism for most of his adult life. After declaring his run for the presidency, his speech has only gotten more inflammatory with each passing day.

Now it’s just balls-out racism.

He began his journey to the White House by declaring Mexicans (used to describe Latinos from South of the Mexican border) rapists and murderers. He’s used every dog-whistle to refer to prominent Black voices. He’s employed nearly every form of divisive propaganda about every minority in America at one point or another. He’s still doing it.

Muslim, Jewish, Black, Latino, Asian, it doesn’t matter. Unless we bow to white supremacy, we will forever be the enemy to him and his supporters. His unfettered hate along with the cheers from the small crowd in Tulsa reiterated what we’re up against. Like Trump, his supporters’ language has only gotten more vile. More hateful. It’s vitriol on a level not seen in decades.



Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |