What Everyone Missed in Kanye’s Drink Champs Interview

One name he dropped explains everything

Johnny Silvercloud
6 min readOct 30, 2022


Kanye (Ye) West at Drink Champs, 2022. | Photo Credit: Cinema Still from Drink Champs

Three Hours of Kanye Crazy

Do you know the word “Jew” was mentioned 119 times in this interview? The word “Jewish was mentioned 104 times. These are the things you can do with transcripts and critical analysis. But, however, pause for dramatic effect — I’m not here to cover these parts, because most people got that covered.

There’s something else Kanye said that, with a little critical thinking, profiling, and human intelligence analysis, explains everything wrong with Kanye West.

Baseline: Kanye is a narcissist

For a baseline, let’s understand the fact that Kanye West (Ye) is a classic narcissist. Kanye West’s biggest problem on display isn’t his bipolarism — it’s his narcissism.

Yes, sure, there’s a measure of narcissism all superstars have, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. Ye is a classic narcissist. The narcissism I identify is not just a modicum of self-importance that is common in superstars. It’s his severe lack of empathy Ye displays. Sure, Ye has a slight measure of empathy (because you have to have some empathetic feel to function as a music creator), but he has a severe lack of it.



Johnny Silvercloud
The Antagonist Magazine

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.