Latinos Must Rethink Their Proximity to Whiteness

In the wake of two terrorist attacks, Latinos will have to change how we view and interact with white power structures

Arturo Dominguez
5 min readMay 26, 2022


Is all this whiteness who we want representing us?

I know, some of you will say this is too soon. But, is it? When is it ever the right time to have difficult conversations? We saw what happened in Buffalo when a Black community was devastated by a terrorist — one who made it clear he despised ALL of us too because people from Latin America aren’t “culturally white”. Then, there are the cops in Uvalde, Texas.

Indeed you’ve seen the videos and heard about the reports. They’re not good. Cops dressed in military gear proved their worth as they stood around and did nothing while children were being murdered. It took a federal force, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), to stop the shooter. It also took 40 minutes to an hour for that to happen. Maybe it’s just me, but I expect someone dressed like G.I Joe to act like G.I Joe. I guess to them it’s about looking cool and that’s it.

Let me start by saying that I don’t want to hear anything about how many cops were Latino or Hispanic. They all answer to someone and in every video I’ve seen, they’re taking orders from white bosses. At about the 5-minute mark in an hour-long video posted to Facebook Live, an officer is seen…



Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |