My White Friend Doesn’t Believe In Systemic Racism

And Here Is ONE of the Texts I Sent Her

Destiny S. Harris
5 min readApr 17, 2021


Photo by Alex Sorto on Unsplash

Brief Context

One of my close friends — for over 10 years — and I recently started chatting about racism and equality after all of the events took place in 2020.

What bothers me about some of her opinions and information is that she gets them from only white people or Candace Owens (who only offers a skewed view on racism). Furthermore, she does not really have any Black friends (except one other she told me about), and I know that she will never truly understand what many Black people go through because her circle is limited to mainly white privileged people.

We’ve been on the topic of systemic racism for a while now, and I want to understand her POV. You might ask me why I’m still friends with her. Well, I like to give people a chance. I also want to help her understand systemic racism from a person of color because I’m probably one of the few people who will ever take the time to do this due to her limited and exclusive circle.

Her Message

Disclaimer: This message is missing some context because this has been an ongoing conversation for several months.

