Republicans Move Fast to Politicize Education

If you’ve ever wondered how white supremacy works, take a look at how conservatives are responding to Critical Race Theory

Arturo Dominguez
5 min readJun 13, 2021


Florida House of Representatives, March 2012 | Public Domain

Recently, there’s been a lot of screaming and yelling about Critical Race Theory (CRT). But all the shouting has revealed that not many Americans know what it’s about. From the detractors to the supporters, all of the angry back-and-forths are detrimental because people are arguing over things that aren’t part of CRT. For example, equating the historically accurate 1619 Project to CRT when one has little to do with the other.

Recently, Allison Gaines wrote an explainer on Critical Race Theory that can be found here.

Much of the misinformation being spread is intentional. It originates in conservative media which is largely driven by the online rhetoric of their target demographic. Conservatives have been sharing countless opinions focused on an assumed narrative. Essentially, they are telling stories based on what they think they know about CRT instead of what it actually is. If conservatives have read anything in-depth about CRT, they would jump on the critique of liberal policies and liberalism in general. But they’re not, which means they haven’t done their homework.



Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |