Trump’s Psychological War

Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine


In a recent article, I discussed how Trump has expanded on the GOP’s Southern Strategy which became the Republican’s electoral strategy beginning in the 1970s. A good portion of that discussion involved explaining how its consistently been employed over the last four decades and continues today. Here, we expand on that discussion providing some additional context.

Image courtesy of Gage Skidmore

We’ve heard it all before.

Go back to where you came from!”

This is ‘murica, speak ‘anglish!

No, they’re typically not the most eloquent of speakers. Most don’t even know Africa is a continent or that not all Latinos are ‘Messicans’. Trump ran an entire campaign that appealed to the willfully ignorant as detailed by his own words. Even though we called out his racism, bigotry, and misogynoir. It would not be enough to sway tens-of-millions of voters. We pointed out that he was a danger to marginalized communities. That didn’t work either. For Trump supporters, racist or not, none of these things were enough to convince them that he was bad for America.

They voted for him because of their overwhelmingly narrow-minded view of the need for self-preservation. Because of that thinking, we now have a sitting president who regularly expresses his blatant hate for people of color to the public at large. His language getting only more vile…



Arturo Dominguez
The Antagonist Magazine

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |