Why I Stopped Pledging the Flag

It has to do with holding this country accountable for its actions so that it makes the words of the Pledge true for everyone

L.A. Justice
4 min readMar 11, 2021


A Black Lives Matter (BLM) graphic illustration to raise awareness about racial inequality, police brutality, and prejudice against African Americans | SJM Photos | Shutterstock.com

I made a vow to myself some years ago never to say the Pledge of Allegiance again, until the words “with liberty and justice for all” are true in this country. The United States has founding documents, patriotic songs, and a Pledge that all have beautifully written words with sentiments that promise freedom, equality, justice, and the inalienable right to life. However, these words reek of hypocrisy when we consider this country’s racist history of oppression and marginalization of its Black and Brown citizens, not to mention the myriad number of cases of police brutality.

“Liberty and justice for all,” so long as you are of the right skin color, sex, gender, income bracket, sexual identity, religion, ability, national origin, and political affiliation.

Chattel slavery was in full force when the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights were written, which tells us they were written to secure the rights and privileges of White people. These rights have only ever…



L.A. Justice
The Antagonist Magazine

Research & Policy Coordinator | Activist | Theologian | Author | Educator | Previously a Biochemist | Previous Top Writer in Racism and BlackLivesMatter