Why Malcolm X Warned Americans Not to Become Blinded by Patriotism

We mustn't let love for a nation shield it from critique

The Antagonist Magazine
6 min readMay 20, 2024


1964 file photo of Malcolm X posing during an interview in New York | AP Photo/Eddie Adams File

Embracing your homeland is natural. However, for some, patriotism can become a blinding force that obscures a nation's shortcomings. This issue is particularly pronounced in America, a country founded by European slave owners with a deeply ingrained belief in their racial superiority. Against a backdrop of red, white, and blue flags fluttering in the wind and annual fireworks celebrations, it is crucial to consider what it truly means to be patriotic in such a nation. For many, patriotism demands overlooking the cracks in America's foundation, amplifying only its purported "greatness." Civil rights leader Malcolm X fervently warned, "You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it." The consequences of ignoring Malcolm X's words are stark. A nation cannot heal its wounds while blindly worshipping its own false image.

Initially, citizenship was reserved solely for White, landowning men, and it wasn't until after the grueling battles of the Civil War and relentless efforts that the 14th Amendment granted Black Americans their rightful place as citizens. Historically, federal legislation…



Allison Wiltz M.S.
The Antagonist Magazine

Black womanist scholar and doctoral candidate from New Orleans, LA with bylines @ Momentum, Oprah Daily, ZORA, Cultured #WEOC Founder. allisonthedailywriter.com