Savannah WorleyHow Racist Xenophobia Inspires TerrorismIt’s not patriotism. It’s white nationalism, and nationalism breeds terror3d ago33d ago3
Allison Wiltz M.S.White Students Commit Hate Crimes. They Should Learn About RacismBlocking discussions about racism fans the flames of prejudiceSep 3046Sep 3046
Violet VonnegutDear America, Socialism is Not Your Enemy (But Donald Trump Might Be)How stigma surrounding socialism serves profit incentives while stunting American development.Sep 27Sep 27
Johnny SilvercloudAn Ex-Prosecutor Commits Assault on a 78-Year-Old ManKamala Collered Trump Like a Toddler and Left Him in a State of SqualorSep 1514Sep 1514
Allison Wiltz M.S.Why An Innocent Black Man is Sitting on Missouri Death RowThe case of Marcellus Williams highlights an unjust systemSep 138Sep 138
Arturo DominguezThe Venezuelan Opposition’s Data Appears Fraudulent, Can’t Be ValidatedMore questions about the validity of the opposition’s tally sheets continue to rise while the Department of State zips its lip about the…Sep 22Sep 22
Johnny SilvercloudTrump and the GOP Have No PlanAfter saying Biden needs to quit, he actually does. And now the GOP is scrambling.Aug 519Aug 519
Arturo DominguezWhat They’re Not Saying About Venezuela’s ElectionsMuch is being said about Venezuela’s elections and nearly all of it lacks a ton of contextJul 313Jul 313