Jan 1 — New Year; Old News

Zach Kay
The Antecedent
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2017

So it’s a new year. I’ve always felt January brings an overstated sense of renewal, like the world is a different place than it was yesterday just because we change the calendar on the wall to one with new pictures. I would say don’t even get me started on resolutions, but I’m trying to be a little bit less of a hypocrite, and I’ve actually made one this year (it’s not to be less of a hypocrite).

That said, my point stands. It’s the same world and whatever you may think about last year and being glad that it’s over, it’s just a number. Hell, half the world doesn’t even use our calendar, and to them this day has even less significance.

So here’s the deal, though. After the hellstorm of last year, we’re gonna walk through this one together. It’s a struggle to pay attention, a struggle to follow the turning cogs of aggressive foreign policy, not to mention the mess we’re in at home. But, as they say, there is strength in numbers, and I hope to provide at least one more number for you to find strength in.

But, I don’t mean to sound like a total downer, and today’s not all bad. You might remember two or three years ago the Danish adopted a new Penal Code. Well, this brings Denmark into the growing capital punishment abolitionist movement by getting rid of the death penalty. Obviously I’m very glad. The death penalty is the such an archaic institution, it’s insane to think that we execute people in ‘developed’ ‘western’ nations.

In other good news, Sacasa was sworn in as President of Nicaragua today, meaning our six year occupation can finally end after losing 8 marines just yesterday. Our remaining troops are due to leave tomorrow and I couldn’t be more pleased. What will happen next in Nicaragua? I don’t know. These things are always complicated, meddling with other country’s affairs, trying to instill ‘democracy’. I’ve never particularly liked how invasive US foreign policy tends to be, it’s like that annoying friend you have that always tries to mess with people’s relationships and it never works out for anyone’s benefit.



Zach Kay
The Antecedent

Football, Songwriting, World Events, Star Wars, Books.