10 Things Only a Serial Killer Will Understand

Mackenzie Carson Soukup
The Anthem Sprinters
3 min readFeb 25, 2016
  1. The thrill of watching life leave someone’s eyes.

If you’re a serial killer, then you know how satisfying it is to watch the lights in a victim’s eye being extinguished, the candle of their soul blowing out. Feeling them take their last breath. Knowing that their last thought is of you…

2. Feelings are stupid.

How many times have we all heard “Have mercy!” or “Please! I have a family!” Like, come on guys. When has that ever worked? Lesser minds are hindered by emotions. We rise above them to reach an intellectual clarity.

3. The sensation of blood on your skin.

It sort of feels like a job well done.

4. The Hunger.

That emptiness inside that we all wish to fill. We can’t have relationships or become close to people, so we might as well kill ‘em.

5. The power you hold over your victims.

This is a big one. Why do we do what we do? Control! Dr. Johnson tells you not to set fires. Mother tells you to go in the cellar because you wet the bed. But when you’re the one with the knife, YOU’RE the one in charge!

6. How much better you are than everyone else.

You are God and everyone else deserves to die. Duh.

7. The Clean Up

We’ve all been there. You just killed a dude and his incriminating liquids are all over. Man, you’ve got a night ahead of you. Remember, fire destroys DNA and club soda is great for those pesky stains.

8. Trophies

You worked hard and deserve a little something. Take a toe or a lock of hair. They won’t miss it.

9. It’s all for Mother.

We all started for a reason. Any Freudian psychologist will point the blame to mommy-dearest. Mother, this one’s for you.

10. At the end of the day, we’re just like everyone else.

We like an ice-cold beer, just like them. And we’re all looking forward to the new season of Game of Thrones, just like them. Overall there are only a few things that separate us from everyone else. Our conviction in the face of social norms and our determination and passion for what we do, which is occasionally kill people.



Mackenzie Carson Soukup
The Anthem Sprinters

Dream Job: Lighthouse Caretaker / Writer for the Onion / Luchador.