My Friend Nahla’s Review of Rogue One: An Analysis

Mackenzie Carson Soukup
The Anthem Sprinters
3 min readDec 17, 2016
Posted shortly after having seen it.

Like many of us, my friend Nahla recently saw Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. And, like many of us, it left an impression on her. You can see the post in question above. It starts with a simple statement. Then it repeats that statement. At a glance, it may not mean much, but when you delve deeper she clearly has plenty to say.

The 3 words: “Rogue One tho.” The first time they appear they are capitalized appropriately. This seems to be a statement of support for the movie. Especially when you take into consideration the use of the colloquial “tho” rather than spelling out the full word. Typically this is associated with approval, meaning that she enjoyed whatever proceeded it.

Common use of the colloquial “tho”

So already we are getting a sense of Nahla’s opinion on the movie. Much like the two valets in the video example, from Nahla’s use of the word “tho” we can extrapolate that Rogue One was her shit.

Then she throws a twist our way. She repeats the statement, but with a few changes. The letters are all caps and each word is separated with a period. “ROGUE. ONE. THO.” This slightly alters the tone of the post. A much more serious implication surfaces in the second half of the review. In order to determine whether her opinion of the movie has changed, however, we will need to learn more about Nahla’s Facebook habits.

Exhibit A

We can see here, Nahla discussing an issue that is important to her, and not at all a laughing matter. She maintains correct capitalization and punctuation. A calm and serious demeanor. This shows that when she talks about something that brings her no joy, her typing habits stay relatively stable.

Exhibit B

Here, we see her reacting to a discussion about Overwatch, one of her favorite games. Now we are seeing similarities. All the letters are capitalized. Although the structure of this comment is a lot looser than the post in question, I think we can infer that when Nahla uses all caps it shows excitement, rather than anger.

All of this points to one conclusion, Nahla did, in fact, enjoy the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. If you value my friend Nahla’s opinion, you probably will as well. (spoiler below)

There you have it, folks.



Mackenzie Carson Soukup
The Anthem Sprinters

Dream Job: Lighthouse Caretaker / Writer for the Onion / Luchador.