The title of this article is SO vague and click-baity, you will be SHOCKED how insignificant it actually is!!

Mackenzie Carson Soukup
The Anthem Sprinters
1 min readSep 3, 2016
Popular meme, capitalizing on other’s creativity to get more page views.

Readers of this article thought that they were in for an enticing and titillating read. Upon clicking the headline, however, they found that the article itself offered little to no information on the subject it had advertised. The sentences seemed to ramble as if the writer was just trying to fill up enough space on the page to justify calling this journalism.

Readers claim that it was the phrasing of the headline that fooled them. “Just look at it,” reported one victim. “Those capital letters! And TWO exclamation marks! How could I not click on it?” Another said that it was the picture of Kevin Hart that got him, stating “I thought that the article was going to be about him! But it was a meme! A MEME!! Also, what is that arrow even pointing to? There’s nothing there!”

After discovering that their valuable time had been wasted, many reported feeling lost and confused. Several readers sought refuge in religion. Others buried their feelings of betrayal deep inside themselves to fester and reemerge in other areas of their life. One thing is certain, though. No one remains unaffected by this tragic event.



Mackenzie Carson Soukup
The Anthem Sprinters

Dream Job: Lighthouse Caretaker / Writer for the Onion / Luchador.