Just Release an App Already

Edward Prokopik
The App Rush
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2020
Photo by Patrick Ward on Unsplash

If you are a developer dabbling in mobile app development and have already released your own app, congratulations. If not, why haven’t you?

Anyone can come up with an app idea, and anyone can shoot an idea down. For every app idea, there are dozens of reasons not to do it. Maybe the idea is too hard, or it has already been done before. Perhaps the idea has very little potential. Regardless of the reason, if you are relatively new to app development your priority should be to release an app.

Any app.

It doesn’t need to make a million dollars or change the world. It just has to get released. Half-finished projects are practically worthless. You cannot show someone an app that kind of works or is almost done. People want to see a project that is completed.

There are some benefits to releasing apps even if they do not become a huge financial success.

As a developer, having a portfolio of completed projects is very valuable. Whether you are trying to get a job or trying to get clients, a portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills and earn trust. Github is a fantastic way to show off your coding talents, but releasing apps provides a way to prove that you can take an idea and turn it into a functional product. It gives people an easy way to interact with a project that you created. Not everyone wants to clone your GitHub repo and follow your README.md instructions, especially non-technical people. Everyone knows how to download and use an app.

Releasing an app also helps you get a user base. People who try your app and possibly review it. This gives you a way to experiment with real users.

Once you see that an app you created is being downloaded by other people, that will further motivate you to create more apps. At that point, you have learned the ropes of app development and you are ready to work on more complicated projects. You will have momentum that will carry on into your next project.

If you want to release an app, you need to narrow your focus down to one idea. Not the best idea, the simplest idea. You have to create a minimum viable product to release. Choosing an app idea that will get consistent downloads is a great place to start.

The argument for quality over quantity doesn’t apply if you haven’t even released anything. As an absolute beginner, the balance you need to strike is between simplicity and personal interest. The more interested you are in the idea, the more likely you are to finish the app. However, ideas that you are deeply interested in can grow to be very complex. When first starting, it’s best to lean towards simplicity.

Perfectionism also has no place in your first app. Don’t let small issues like ugly UI or a lack of features prevent you from releasing that app. You can always release an update later to make your app better.

This app isn’t going to be your life’s work. It’s your first app. Keep it simple and have fun learning from it.

