Selenium and Headless Chrome on AWS Lambda Layers

Yi Ai
3 min readDec 15, 2018


AWS has extended the timeout limit for Lambda functions from 5 to 15 minutes, also AWS released new Lambda layers feature at re:Invent 2018, with these new features, we can now move Selenium tests to server-less frameworks without any performance issues!

After many attempts of using different version of chrome drivers and binaries — I eventually find a way to get it work — ChromeDriver was able to run and interact with Headless Chrome inside a Lambda Layer.

I created Serverless Framework (≥1.34.0) project to publish and use Lambda Layers with Selenium and Headless Chrome, thus team is able to do UI test using Python without running Selenium on server or local machine.

Selenium and Headless Chrome

Incompatible versions of serverless-chrome, chromedriver, and Selenium can cause Chrome not reachable error. These are the versions that play well together in through my testing eventually:

File Structure

There are 2 sub sls projects in root directory, seleniumLayer is Selenium Lambda Layer which stores selenium libs, Headless Chromium driver and binary. lambda is normal lambda function to do the UI Testing

Install Selenium library

Lambda runtimes include paths in the /opt directory to ensure that your function code has access to libraries that are included in layers.

To include libraries in a layer, place them in python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/

Install Headless Chrome Driver and Binary

Go to root directory, install chrome binary and driver

Copy following code to /seleniumLayer/serverless.yaml

Lambda Function

and Copy following code to /lambda/

Copy following code to /lambda/serverless.yaml

Deploy Lambda Layers

Go to /seleniumLayer directory

Deploy Lambda Function

Go to /lambda directory

Start Testing

Go to /lambda directory

You should get Response as below

I hope you have found this article useful, You can find complete project in my GitHub repo:



Yi Ai

AWS Community Builder | AWS AZURE GCP Certified Engineer | A Cloud Technology Enthusiast | AWS Certified Security/Machine Learning/Database Analytics Specialty