Architecture and Movies

Analyzing Architecture and Design Elements in The Avengers

Sreekanth Sreekumar
The Architecture Blog
6 min readMay 30, 2020


Real-world Architecture embedded into the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Marvel’s Avengers certainly needs no introduction. Apart from being the most successful movie franchise in history, it received considerable acclaim from critics and audiences alike for the quality of film making. While most of the readers here would be familiar with multiple end credit scenes and quirky Stan Lee cameos, I aim to provide a perspective from the point of view of an architecture enthusiast. The series has managed to depict a mix of futuristic, contemporary, and medieval architecture in a seamless fashion. This amalgamation of contradicting style transcending real and virtual universes clearly deserves praise.

We have had a total of 23 released movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far, split across 3 phases and 8 new movies in the pipeline from phase 4. For the purpose of this story I will be focusing on the first two installments of the series i.e. The Avengers (2012) and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). I will try to cover the sequels, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame in subsequent stories. You will, however, find the buildings mentioned below in multiple other movies from the franchise.



Sreekanth Sreekumar
The Architecture Blog

MBA Grad, Architect, Digital Marketer, Blogger, Gooner, Cinephile! Writes on Architecture, Marketing, Movies, Productivity and Self-Improvement. IIT IIM Alumnus