AMMI Publishing Co., Inc.

Alison T. Gray & Arthur H. Kern

Business & Advertising Director:
Henriette Corn, 415–435–1190

Executive Editor:
Kevin Hessel, 415–435–2652

Assistant Editor & Reporter:
Emily Lavin, 415–944–3841

Production Editor & Reporter:
Jeff Dempsey, 415–944–4561

Calendar & Copy Editor:
Diana Goodman, 415–435–2652

Accounts Manager:
Leigh Pagan, 415–435–2652

Staff reporters:
Matthew Hose, 415–944–4627
Deirdre McCrohan, 415–944–4634

Contributing writers: Michelle Aschwald, Joan Bekins, Carol Benet, Marybeth Bond, Hillary Don, Gretchen Lang, Heather Lobdell, Diane Lynch, Ann Mizel, Lidia Wasowicz Pringle, Rosine Reynolds, Cynthia Shaver, Diane Smith, Steve Stein, Robin Scott Wray

Contributing photographers: Elliot Karlan, Jocelyn Knight, Diane Smith

Circulation: Pieter Corn

Printing: SFNP co.

The Ark
1550 Tiburon Blvd Ste D
Tiburon, CA 94920
415–435–1190 (advertising)
415–435–0849 (fax)

THE ARK (USPSO12310) is published weekly on Wednesdays and delivered by mail for $69.50 one year, $129.50 two years; out of area $84.50 one year, $154.50 two years by AMMI Publishing Co., Inc., 1550 Tiburon Blvd. Ste. D, Tiburon, CA 94920.

Periodical postage paid at the Belvedere-Tiburon Post Office, Tiburon, CA 94920. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE ARK, P.O. Box 1054, Tiburon, CA 94920.



Kevin Hessel
The Ark
Editor for

Executive editor of The Ark, the weekly paper of Tiburon, Belvedere and Strawberry, in San Francisco’s Bay Area. http://arkn.ws | http://fb.me/thearknewspaper