Diagram Blending: “Activity Circle” + “Concept Dynamics”

Oliver Ding
Curativity Center
Published in
11 min readJul 31, 2022


Developing a framework for the Thematic Controversy Project

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Last month I read Controversy Mapping: A Field Guide (Tommaso Venturini & Anders Kristian Munk, 2022) which connects ANT (Actor-network theory) with digital methods for social cartography.

Algirdas Greimas’ Two Diagrams

According to the authors, ANT is inspired by Algirdas Greimas’ semantics and narrative theory in particular.

  • Generalizing the system introduced by Russian narratologist Vladimir Propp (1968) to catalogue folktales, Greimas (1989) defined the elements of any text according to what they do rather than what they are. A classic feature of traditionuseal tales is indeed that their protagonists are not only humans, but also animals, spirits, and animated objects. Anything that acts is a character in its own right and it can fill a role in the story in the same way in which a human being would (a magic ring can cast spells like a magician, a magic sword can fight like an army of soldiers).
  • Extending this idea to all types of texts, Greimas introduced the notion of “actants,” defined as anything that “accomplish tasks, undergo tests, reach goals” (Ricoeur, 1989, p.588). The openness of the notion of “actant” struck a chord in ANT, to which it offered a way to…



Oliver Ding
Curativity Center

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.