Curativity Theory: Table of Contents and Related Articles

Oliver Ding
Curativity Center
Published in
16 min readApr 1, 2022


Curativity: The Ecological Approach to General Curation Practice (Oliver Ding, 2019)

Some friends asked me to share more information about the book Curativity and the Knowledge Curation project. Curativity: The Ecological Approach to General Curation Practice was written from Oct 2018 to March 2019. It is a 615-page Google Doc file. Unfortunately, it was written in Chinese.

In the past years, I started directly writing books in English and directly applied Curativity Theory to some projects such as the Knowledge Curation Project.

This article aims to translate the Table of Contents of the Curativity book into English and offer more related information.

1. The Concept of “Curativity“

I have been working in the curation field for over ten years. I was the Chief Information Architect of BagTheWeb which was an early tool for content curation (We launched the site in 2010). This experience inspired me to make a long-term commitment to the Curation theme. After having 10 years of various curation-related practical work experience and theory learning, I coined a term called Curativity and developed Curativity Theory which became a book.



Oliver Ding
Curativity Center

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.