[Life Curation] Life as Sandglass

Oliver Ding
Curativity Center
Published in
15 min readOct 20, 2022


The Creative Life Curation Framework

Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

On Sept 18, 2022, I designed a cover image for a possible book Knowledge Curation, and used it to close the Knowledge Curation project (phase 1).

Now I can move to a new journey: the Life Curation project.

In 2019 I wrote a section about Knowledge Curation in my book Curativity. However, I didn’t write about Life Curation intendedly. I wanted to keep this topic for my second book about Curativity Theory.

In the past three years, I worked on the Knowledge Curation project. After reflecting on the journey, I made the diagram below.

It’s a sandglass!

Yes! A creative life is a process of slow cognition and creative work.

This article aims to introduce the framework as the starting point of the Life Curation project.


1. First-wave Development

1.1 Explore Widely
1.2 Inquire Deeply
1.3 Crystallize Thematically
1.4 Work Deeply
1.5 Play Widely



Oliver Ding
Curativity Center

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.